Friday, August 21, 2020

Art Project: Disney-Themed Pencil Holders!


Students can keep their workspace organized with these do-it-yourself Disney-themed pencil holders!

This arts and crafts project is featured on the Disney Family website, and is simple enough for students to do in class or at home, with a little adult supervision. 

The pencil holders feature color schemes and designs of Disney favorites Mickey Mouse, Pluto, Minnie Mouse, Donald Duck, and Goofy.

Here are the supplies you'll need:

  • Five tin cans, in various sizes if possible
  • Felt sheets (red, white, black, yellow, green, grey, light blue, dark blue, and orange)
  • Scissors
  • Hot glue


Remove labels from tin cans. Use soap and water to clean glue residue and allow to dry. Adults should ensure there are no sharp edges inside the top edge of the can.

Adults should do any cutting and gluing if the child is very young.

*To create the Mickey-inspired pencil holder: Place a tin can onto a sheet of red felt. Trim to fit the height and circumference of the can. Secure seam with hot glue. Measure a 1-inch piece of yellow felt to wrap around the bottom of the tin can. Measure a 1.5-inch piece of black felt to wrap around the top edge of the tin can. Add 2 white ovals for Mickey’s iconic buttons.

*To create the Pluto-inspired pencil holder: Place a tin can onto a sheet of yellow felt. Trim to fit the height and circumference of the can. Secure seam with hot glue. Measure a 1-inch piece of green felt to wrap around the middle of the tin can. Add a small grey circle for Pluto’s iconic name tag.

*To create the Minnie-inspired pencil holder: Place a tin can onto a sheet of red felt. Trim to fit the height and circumference of the can. Secure seam with hot glue. Add a bunch of white polka dots for Minnie’s iconic look.

*To create the Donald-inspired pencil holder: Place a tin can onto a sheet of light blue felt. Trim to fit the height and circumference of the can. Secure seam with hot glue. Cut out a V-shape from yellow felt for Donald’s collar. Add a red bow shape.

*To create the Goofy-inspired pencil holder: Place a tin can onto a sheet of orange felt. Trim to fit the height and circumference of the can. Secure seam with hot glue. Measure a dark blue piece of felt to fit the bottom half of the tin can. Measure a 1-inch piece of green felt to wrap around the top of the tin can. Add two black pieces of felt for Goofy’s iconic ears.

Allow the glue to dry before using.


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