Wednesday, August 3, 2016

Routines and Procedures Checklist

Don't Let This Be You!

 Believe it or not, the first day of school is just around the corner!
Before that day happens, make sure you know how you want to run your classroom.
If you don't know what you want, then neither will your students.

Consistency is KEY when training your students. 
Expect to review these procedures for at least the first TWO weeks of school!
enter the classroom
take attendance and lunch count
come to class prepared
sharpen your pencil
begin morning work/bell ringers
keep your desk and assignments organized
respond to teacher signals
label your assignments
work independently
work in groups/partners
use technology
handout papers
collect papers (classroom work & homework)
go to the restroom
get in line/walk in the hallway
write down homework assignments
assign classroom jobs
pack up and dismiss
Other Essential Procedures:  
fire and emergency drills
recess & lunch
playground behavior
classroom jobs
classroom library and other learning stations
rewards and incentives
noise level expectations
work for absent student
Start training them on the first day so this isn't you!
We will be praying you have a successful school year!

Thanks for Visiting

Please check back often!